nanamica 2022 fall and winter collection has arrived.

NEWS nanamica

Nanamica 2022 fall and winter season collection will launch at nanamica store on 16th July (Sat).


Based on the slogan of ONE OCEAN, ALL LANDS, (The ocean is one and the world is connected), this season's nanamica will continue to work on the theme of "life tech wear that fills the heart".

The wind changed. The pleasant wind now has a slight hint of cold air.
The sea is gray with a tinge of green, and is telling us of the season that is just around the corner. This changing of seasons has been repeated for eons of time.
It makes you think how important it is for something to remain unchanging.
Just like how this change of the ocean has been repeated for hundreds and thousands of years, we too must also continue to change.



For the 2022 F/W season, we focused on the theme of the ocean, which is essential to our brand.
The concept is clothing that is comfortable to wear at the sea. Clothing that you can be totally comfortable and relaxed in.

I would be very happy if you could spend your daily life more freely and relaxed by wearing nanamica items.